The articles was very interesting because it explains with good examples what is software architecture. Developers need to be careful when designing software in order to fulfill requirements, it is also known that computer science or software engineering do not have many years in experience, all of this is newer if we compare it to other engineerings. The author uses blueprints as a comparator in order to explain the importance of design to get it right in early stages of the development.
It is essential to design good or fit-able architecture from the beginning to increase quality in terms of time, budget and scope, this can help business to save money, time and deploy software on time, also, designing a good architecture could reduce complexity and memory space in programs. Speaking of performance, having an architecture that fulfill requirements of performance could reduce some test in the final stages.
The author explains three important points of why architecture is good for early stages, one is validate what the software is going to do in order to meet all requirements, reduce redundancy and increase quality, the second one is communication of the parties involved in order to create the same environment and requirements and the final ones is the discrimination of essential parts or functionalities. 
I support the idea of my classmate Gerardo Galvan when he said that the lecture was interesting and I also would like to learn how to implement patterns and designs for good practices.


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